Unveiling The Day Before: A Catastrophic Journey into the Abyss of Early Access Gaming


Embarking on a promising adventure into the world of online zombie survival, The Day Before quickly turned from anticipation to disappointment. In a shocking turn of events, the game’s developer, FNTASTIC, announced its closure shortly after the early access release, leaving players bewildered and dissatisfied. This article delves into the ill-fated experience of The Day Before, exploring the shattered promises, lackluster gameplay, and the abrupt demise that caught everyone off guard.

The Day Before early

The Rise and Fall of The Day Before:

The Day Before boasted a five-year development period, raising expectations for an immersive zombie survival MMO. However, the reality was starkly different. The early access release failed to deliver on its promises, leaving players with a mere glimpse of what could have been. The servers remain operational for existing players, but the closure has cast a shadow over the game’s potential.

A Glimpse into The Day Before’s World:

Set in a makeshift survivor camp within a city loosely based on New York, The Day Before attempted to weave a narrative amid questionable artwork and lackluster decals. The storyline, although basic, failed to provide a compelling reason to engage with the unimaginative world plagued by a zombie outbreak. The disappointment extended to the gameplay, where dynamic environments and intense firefights showcased in trailers were conspicuously absent.

The Missing Elements of Survival:

The Day Before fell short on essential features expected in a survival game. The once-promised dynamic environments and tight firefights were replaced by a static cityscape lacking depth. Severe performance issues, especially on high-end PCs, added to the frustration, making it difficult to overlook the absence of fundamental elements like melee combat and open-world camping.

Unveiling The Day Before’s UI and Multiplayer Woes:

One of the most surprising aspects was the near absence of a user interface. Navigating quests, maps, and inventories proved challenging, with clunky interfaces hindering the overall gaming experience. Multiplayer functionalities were equally disappointing, lacking a dedicated menu and voice chat. The struggles to communicate with teammates mirrored the overall lack of polish in the game’s design.

The Grim Reality of The Day Before’s Gameplay:

Contrary to its claims, The Day Before is not an MMO or an open world. Instead, it functions as an extraction shooter with a singular goal – navigating a mostly empty city, gathering loot, and reaching extraction points before succumbing to death. The absence of a persistent progression system and the loss of all items upon death added to the frustrating loop of gameplay.

Currency Woes and Unfulfilled Promises:

The in-game currency system proved troublesome, exacerbated by a currency duplication glitch and the lack of unique content or story after the initial tutorial. Procedurally generated quests added little value, providing meager rewards and restricting players to one quest at a time. The absence of unique zombie encounters, weather effects, and diverse landscapes further contributed to the game’s lackluster appeal.

The Day Before’s Fading Legacy:

Despite a variety of weapons and potential upgrades, The Day Before’s shortcomings overshadowed any redeeming qualities. The absence of a meaningful story, unenthusiastic NPCs, and the dearth of unique content left players questioning the purpose of their in-game endeavors. The game’s premature closure and the absence of planned microtransactions further exemplified its untimely demise.

Verdict: The Day Before’s Unfulfilled Potential:

In conclusion, The Day Before stands as one of the most disappointing games, failing to meet even the most basic standards expected in the gaming community. The abrupt closure leaves players grappling with unanswered questions and a game that barely scratched the surface of its promised potential. As the gaming community reflects on this failed venture, it serves as a cautionary tale against the pitfalls of unmet expectations and the importance of delivering a polished product.



Q1: Why did The Day Before’s developer announce its closure shortly after the early access release?

A: The developer, FNTASTIC, unexpectedly announced its closure, leading to the removal of The Day Before from sale.

Q2: What were the major disappointments in The Day Before’s gameplay?

A: The game lacked essential features, including dynamic environments, tight firefights, and a coherent open-world experience promised in pre-release trailers.

Q3: Did The Day Before live up to its MMO and open-world claims?

A: No, The Day Before fundamentally functioned as an extraction shooter, deviating from its initial promises of being an MMO and an open-world game.

Q4: What challenges did players face in terms of UI and multiplayer functionalities?

A: The Day Before featured a minimal UI, hindering navigation, and lacked a dedicated multiplayer menu and voice chat, impacting communication between players.

Q5: Why was The Day Before’s currency system problematic?

A: The in-game currency system faced issues, including a currency duplication glitch, limited rewards from procedurally generated quests, and a lack of meaningful progression.

Q6: What contributed to The Day Before’s premature closure?

A: The closure was attributed to the game’s failure to meet basic gaming standards, leaving players with a subpar gaming experience and a lack of planned microtransactions.

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