A Musical Odyssey with Marta Pereira da Costa: Tiny Desk Concert Delight


Prepare to be transported to another realm as Marta Pereira da Costa enchants us with her mesmerizing Tiny Desk Concert. Renowned as the first woman to master the traditional Portuguese guitar used in fado music, Pereira da Costa’s performance is not just a musical interlude; it’s a captivating blend of history, melody, and cultural immersion that offers a unique perspective on this timeless art form.

Marta Pereira da Costa
image source – NPR

Discovering Marta Pereira da Costa:

In 2019, amid the clamor of South by Southwest in Austin, Texas, Marta Pereira da Costa’s talent emerged as a beacon. As the first and only woman professionally mastering the traditional Portuguese guitar for fado music, she immediately seized attention. In a parallel to the inception of the Tiny Desk concert with Laura Gibson, I was eager to experience Pereira da Costa’s melodic fingerpicking away from the bustling atmosphere of a crowded bar.

The Ensemble and Musical Landscape:

Pereira da Costa’s musical journey unfolds alongside guitarist João José Pita Junior and percussionist Pedro Segundo, creating a trio that effortlessly bridges centuries of Portuguese history. The performance is more than a concert; it’s a musical expedition through her homeland, capturing the essence of the land, the sea, and everything in between. The chemistry between the musicians is palpable, creating an atmosphere that transcends time and space.

Fado’s Instrumental Beauty:

While fado has gained international recognition, it’s often associated with vocalists. However, Pereira da Costa shifts the spotlight to the accompanists and their instruments, inviting a deeper appreciation for tradition and the magic created in the moment. Her mastery of the traditional Portuguese guitar serves as a testament to the instrumental beauty embedded in the heart of fado.

image source – THE KENNEDY CENTER

The Playlist:

The Tiny Desk Concert unfolds with a soul-stirring setlist, each note resonating with emotion and cultural richness:

  1. “Terra”
  2. “Movimento”
  3. “Encontro”
  4. “Minha Alma”
  5. “Dia de Feira”

Meet the Musicians:

The trio responsible for this auditory masterpiece includes:

  • Marta Pereira da Costa: Guitar
  • João José Pita Junior: Guitar
  • Pedro Segundo: Percussion

Behind the Scenes:

The magic behind the Tiny Desk Concert is meticulously crafted by a dedicated team:

  • Producer: Felix Contreras
  • Director/Editor: Joshua Bryant
  • Audio Engineer: Josh Rogosin
  • Series Producer: Bobby Carter
  • Videographers: Joshua Bryant, Maia Stern
  • Audio Assistant: Neil Tevault
  • Production Assistant: Ashley Pointer
  • Photographer: Michael Zamora
  • Tiny Desk Team: Suraya Mohamed, Hazel Cills, Kara Frame
  • Series Creators: Bob Boilen, Stephen Thompson
  • VP, Visuals and Music: Keith Jenkins
  • Senior VP, Programming: Anya Grundmann


In the harmonious world of Marta Pereira da Costa, every note is a bridge to Portugal’s rich history, a connection between the past and the present. As the strings of the traditional Portuguese guitar resonate, they carry us to landscapes both familiar and undiscovered. This Tiny Desk Concert not only celebrates musical prowess but also invites us to appreciate the often overlooked instrumental gems within the world of fado.


Q: What makes Marta Pereira da Costa unique in the world of fado? A: Marta Pereira da Costa is the first and only woman to professionally master the traditional Portuguese guitar used in fado music, adding a distinct touch to this timeless art form.

Q: What instruments accompany Marta Pereira da Costa in the Tiny Desk Concert? A: Pereira da Costa is joined by guitarist João José Pita Junior and percussionist Pedro Segundo, creating a harmonious trio.

Q: How did the Tiny Desk Concert come to fruition? A: The concert was born out of a desire to experience Pereira da Costa’s melodic fingerpicking prowess without the distraction of a noisy crowd, echoing the origins of the Tiny Desk series.

As we delve deeper into the soul-stirring tunes of Marta Pereira da Costa, each chord becomes a portal, inviting us to explore the rich tapestry of Portugal’s musical heritage. This Tiny Desk Concert isn’t just a performance; it’s a cultural immersion that resonates far beyond the confines of the room.

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